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Please fill in your credentials to login.
Your name and email are needed to sign up for the Immersal SDK.
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Download Immersal SDK 1.20.0 Core (.unitypackage)
Immersal SDK 1.20.0 Samples (Unity)
iOS native (Swift/ObjC) / Huawei AR Engine (Unity)
Magic Leap 2 (Unity) / HoloLens 2 (Unity) / Xreal Light (Unity) / Rokid Max Pro (Unity)
Are you sure you want to reset the token? Apps that use your token will no longer work with the old one.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected maps? This action can not be undone.
Currently only alphanumeric characters are allowed.
Private maps can only be accessed with your token. Public maps can be viewed and downloaded by anyone.
We wanted to remind you that as of Immersal SDK 1.18.0, we require all apps using the SDK to have a "Powered by Immersal" logo displayed during the AR experience. This applies to all developers, unless otherwise agreed upon with sales@immersal.com.
We've also made it easy for you by providing logo templates in the Samples repository under the ImmersalLogo folder. And for more information on the EULA, check out this page.