# Getting started tutorial

# Prerequisites

  • A succesfully mapped space and map id.
  • Unity version 2022.3 LTS.
  • Tools for building for iOS or Android.

This tutorial assumes prior experience with building mobile applications with Unity.

# Unity

# New project

Create a new Unity project using the default 3D project template.

# Installation

  1. Open up the Package Manager from Window > Package Manager
  2. Click the + button and select "Add package from Git URL"
  3. Copy & paste the package URL below and click Add

Package URL: https://github.com/immersal/imdk-unity.git

# Configure your Unity project

If adding the package was successful, you should automatically see a "Immersal Project Validation" pop-up window appear. This window displays Immersal specific project settings that need to be validated to ensure the SDK works as expected.

Project configurations are platform-specific, so let's switch to whatever platform we want to use first:

  1. Open up File > Build Settings
  2. Select Android or iOS as the Platform and click Switch Platform

After switching platforms, we can go back to the Project Validation window to fix possible issues:

  1. Focus the Project Validation window or open it again from Immersal SDK > Project Validation
  2. Click Fix all.

If there are any issues remaining or you want to know more, please refer to the Project Configuration page.

# Simple sample

We provide a few samples that work well as a starting point for projects.

  1. Open up the Package Manager from Window > Package Manager
  2. Find the Immersal Core package
  3. Switch to the Samples tab
  4. Click Import next to the Core Samples option
  5. Open "SimpleSample" in Assets/Samples/Immersal SDK Core/2.0.0/Core Samples/Scenes/

# Login with Immersal

For the next steps, we'll need to configure our developer token.

  1. Open up Immersal SDK Settings from the Immersal SDK toolbar menu.
  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Ensure your developer token was added to the Immersal SDK object in the scene.

# Set up your map

Next we're going to configure the Immersal XR Map object to point to the map you've created earlier.

  1. Find the XR Space object in the Hierarchy
  2. Under it should be an XR Map object
  3. In the Inspector, look for the "Download from cloud" section
  4. Add your map id to the field
  5. Select both Mapfile and Visualization as download options
  6. Click the Download button
  7. After the download completes, you should see new configuration options for the XR Map.
  8. Click on the Select visualization button to select the point cloud visualization object.
  9. Set Render Mode to "Editor And Runtime".

# Adding content

Time to add some content to your augmented space!

  1. Under the XR Space object, create a new empty object and call it "Content"
  2. Under the new Content object, add any 3d assets or other content
  3. Make sure none of your content is set to "Static" in the Inspector
  4. Save your scene

# Try it out

Only thing left is to build the project and try it out.

  1. Open up File > Build Settings
  2. Add your scene to the "Scenes In Build" list if it's not there already
  3. Select Android or iOS as the Platform and click Switch Platform (if needed)
  4. Click Build

# Android

Install the built apk like any other Unity Android project:

adb install YourTutorialResult.apk

# iOS

Open up the built Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj in XCode, configure any signing options if necessary, choose target device and click Run.

# Workflow Tutorial

Complete tutorial for SDK2.0 workflow