# Map Download Sample

This sample shows how to download, switch and use the constructed map at runtime.

Open the MapDownloadSample scene found in the "Assets/Samples/Immersal SDK Core/2.0.0/Core Samples/Scenes/MapDownloadSample" folder.

# Using Your Maps

You can log in to the Developer Portal and download a map file if you wish to also embed a map into the sample.
But in this sample all your constructed maps are available in the app itself.

# Overview of the scene

The scene is very similar to the Multimap sample.

# Using the sample

  1. Place your downloaded map file into the XR Map game object's map file slots in the inspector or leave it empty.
  2. Open Build Settings (Ctrl + Shift + B) and make sure only the MapDownloadSample is included in the Scenes in Build.
  3. Change your Player Settings if necessary. It's a good idea to change the Product Name and Package Name so the app will not overwrite a previously installed app on your device.
  4. Build the app and install it to your devices.

When you start the app and look around at a location you have mapped, the device should localize and find a pose in just seconds.
If you click the dropdown menu, you can download and switch to other maps.