# Localizer

The Localizer component configures and manages LocalizationMethods.

# Interface

public interface ILocalizer
    ILocalizationMethod[] AvailableLocalizationMethods { get;  }
    Task<ILocalizerConfigurationResult> ConfigureLocalizer(ILocalizerConfiguration configuration);
    Task<ILocalizationResults> Localize(ICameraData cameraData);
    Task<List<LocalizationTask>> CreateLocalizationTasks(ICameraData cameraData);
    Task<ILocalizationResults> LocalizeAllMethods(ICameraData cameraData);
    Task StopAndCleanUp();
    Task StopLocalizationForMethod(ILocalizationMethod localizationMethod);
    bool TryGetLocalizationTask(ILocalizationMethod localizationMethod, out LocalizationTask task);

# ConfigureLocalization

Implementations of this method are expected to set up the Localizer.

Implementations receive ILocalizationConfiguration which includes a Dictionary mapping XRMaps to their associated ILocalizationMethods.

The implementation should return a simple result describing success.

public interface ILocalizationConfiguration
    Dictionary<ILocalizationMethod, XRMap[]> LocalizationMethodXRMapMapping { get; }

public interface ILocalizationConfigurationResult
    public bool Success { get; }

The SDK will call this in the beginning of runtime, after PlatformSupport has been configured.

# Localize

Implementations of this method return a collection of localization results:

public interface ILocalizationResults
    ILocalizationResult[] results { get; }

ILocalizationResult is declared together with ILocalizationMethod.

ImmersalSession calls this after getting data from PlatformSupport update as part of it's pipeline cycle.

# StopAndCleanUp

Implementations of this method are expected to stop any running processes tied to the Localizer in a graceful manner. The Localizer should take care of removing any event subscriptions and cancel any asynchronous tasks etc. The Localizer should be ready for a new call to ConfigureLocalization some time after this method has run.

This is called by the SDK when a full reset is requested.

# Implementation

The SDK comes with a ready to use implementation of a Localizer with the following features:

  • Management and configuration of ILocalizationMethods
  • Parallel localization with each configured ILocalizationMethod.
  • Events based on localization results