The REST API is used to interact with the Immersal Cloud Service.
You can use it to submit images for Spatial Map construction, modify and load Maps, and even use the on-server Visual Positioning.

We provide a sample implementation for Unity in C#, see the REST.cs and RESTJobsAsync.cs classes in the Immersal SDK Core .unitypackage
We also provide basic Python examples in this documentation.
It should also be quite straightforward to make the API calls in JSON from e.g. JavaScript & WebXR applications, and on other platforms.

# API Methods

# Aligns maps


Aligns maps into the same coordinate space. First map in mapIds array is used as the origin for the other maps. Only private maps can be aligned. Only maps with status "done" can be aligned.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
name* string Name for the alignment job.
mapIds* array An array of {"id":int} objects (MAXCOUNT = 32)

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "id" : 67123, //alignment job id
    "size" : 3 //how many maps was used

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "map count" //map array was empty or has some invalid maps or more than max amount (32) maps 

    "error": "name" // invalid map name

    "error": "could not create user dir" //error creating a directory for user

    "error": "could not create dir" //error creating a directory for the constrction job

    "error": "could not open desc file" //could not open a file describing the job parameters

    "error": "could not open file" //error opening the file to write the align results

# B2G Upload (base64)


Submit a .b2g file in b64 encoded format from a Leica BLK2GO device and metadata to the user's workspace.
This is an enterprise license feature. Please contact sales@immersal.com.
Note that this end point only uploads the b2g file. One should call /construct endpoint after uploading. Also preservePose=true parameter should be used in the /construct call to leverage BLK2GO pose data.

To match BLK2GO coordinate system with Immersal coordinates the rotation matrix should be set as follows:

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
b64* string Base64-encoded b2g file
px* number Camera x position
py* number Camera y position
pz* number Camera z position
r00* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 0
r01* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 1
r02* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 2
r10* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 0
r11* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 1
r12* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 2
r20* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 0
r21* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 1
r22* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 2

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "path": "path_on_the_server"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "image limit" //user image limit per map exceeded

    "error": "image format" //error parsing image format

    "error": "level" //user has not been authorized for enterprice license

    "error": "hash" //uploaded file may be corrupted

    "error": "rename" //renaming path filename failed

# B2G Upload (binary)


Similar to /b2gb64 but faster. The b2g data is not b64-encoded but the payload is binary: json bytes + NUL terminator byte + b2g bytes.
Supports robust chunked uploads via /upload endpoint.
This is an enterprise license feature. Please contact sales@immersal.com.
Note that this end point only uploads the b2g file. One should call /construct endpoint after uploading. Also preservePose=true parameter should be used in the /construct call to leverage BLK2GO pose data.

To match BLK2GO coordinate system with Immersal coordinates the rotation matrix should be set as follows:

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
hash* string A hash code used to identify the file on server. Six character alpha numeric code. See /upload endpoint.
px* number Camera x position
py* number Camera y position
pz* number Camera z position
r00* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 0
r01* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 1
r02* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 2
r10* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 0
r11* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 1
r12* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 2
r20* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 0
r21* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 1
r22* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 2

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "path": "path_on_the_server"

    "error": "blob" //invalid binary payload

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "image limit" //user image limit per map exceeded

    "error": "image format" //error parsing image format

    "error": "level" //user has not been authorized for enterprice license

    "error": "hash" //uploaded file may be corrupted

    "error": "rename" //renaming path filename failed

# Capture Image


Submit the image and metadata to the user's workspace. The camera pose should be submitted in a right-handed coordinate system and the rotation is submitted as a row matrix.



If fx,fy,ox and oy parameters are omitted, the image assumed to be a 360 equirectangular image.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
run* integer Index for the active mapping session. Should be updated if the SLAM tracking is lost (session and local coordinates are reset)
index integer Order index for the image
anchor boolean Submit image as the new anchor image (only one can exist in the workspace)
b64* string Base64-encoded PNG image, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB
fx* number Camera intrinsics pixel focal length x
fy* number Camera intrinsics pixel focal length y
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point offset x, should be close to image_resolution_x / 2.0
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point offset y, should be close to image_resolution_y / 2.0
px* number Camera x position
py* number Camera y position
pz* number Camera z position
r00* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 0
r01* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 1
r02* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 2
r10* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 0
r11* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 1
r12* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 2
r20* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 0
r21* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 1
r22* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 2
longitude* number WGS84 longitude
latitude* number WGS84 latitude
altitude* number GPS elevation

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "path": "path_on_the_server"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "image limit" //user image limit per map exceeded

    "error": "image format" //error parsing image format

# Capture Image (Binary)


Submit the image and metadata to the user's workspace.

Similar to /captureb64 but faster. The image data is not b64-encoded but the payload is binary: json bytes + NUL terminator byte + image bytes.

Supports robust chunked uploads via /upload endpoint.

The camera pose should be submitted in a right-handed coordinate system and the rotation is submitted as a row matrix.



If fx,fy,ox and oy parameters are omitted, the image assumed to be a 360 equirectangular image. Python example:

body = json_bytes + b"\0" + img_bytes
r = requests.post(complete_url, data=body)

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
run* integer Index for the active mapping session. Should be updated if the SLAM tracking is lost (session and local coordinates are reset)
index integer Order index for the image
anchor boolean Submit image as the new anchor image (only one can exist in the workspace)
hash string A hash code used to identify the file on server. Six character alpha numeric code. See /upload endpoint.
fx* number Camera intrinsics pixel focal length x
fy* number Camera intrinsics pixel focal length y
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point offset x, should be close to image_resolution_x / 2.0
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point offset y, should be close to image_resolution_y / 2.0
px* number Camera x position
py* number Camera y position
pz* number Camera z position
r00* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 0
r01* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 1
r02* number Rotation matrix row 0,col 2
r10* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 0
r11* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 1
r12* number Rotation matrix row 1,col 2
r20* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 0
r21* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 1
r22* number Rotation matrix row 2,col 2
longitude* number WGS84 longitude
latitude* number WGS84 latitude
altitude* number GPS elevation

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "path": "path_on_the_server"

    "error": "blob" //invalid binary payload

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "image limit" //user image limit per map exceeded

    "error": "image format" //error parsing image format

# Clear Workspace


Deletes all the images from the workspace. Setting the anchor parameter to false will retain the anchor image.

# Parameters

anchor* boolean Delete anchor image
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

    "error": "none"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

# Clear Map Access Token


Clears a map access token. Map access token is a way to allow sharing of a private map. Only owner of a map can clear map access token.
Map access token holder can access for example map metadata, download poses and download the map. This is a good way to build an app and share your maps to a smaller group without making it public for everyone.
Map access token can be set, renewed or cleared. By default, a map does not have an access token. A new access token is unique and previous access tokens cannot be retrieved.

Endpoints that support map access token are:

  • /dense
  • /geopose
  • /getposes
  • /loadmap (may be deprecated)
  • /localizeb64
  • /localize
  • /map (NOTE /mapb64 is not supported!)
  • /metadataget
  • /sparse
  • /tex

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "mapId": 12345, //id of the map affected
    "accessToken": "cleared"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

# Map Construct


Starts a new map construction job.

# Parameters

preservePoses* bool Uses submitted pose data to optimize map construction. Requires good quality pose data (Default: False)
token* string A valid developer token
name* string Map name

# Responses

Returns the ID of the constructed map and number of images in it

    "error": "none",
    "id": 7065,
    "size: 300

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "name" //illegal characters in map name. Only alphanumerical allowed

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "could not create user dir" //error creating a directory for user

    "error": "could not create job dir" //error creating a directory for the constrction job

    "error": "could not open file" //error opening construction job images

    "error": "invalid filename" //error opening an image

    "error": "capture count" //no images found or couldn't open any

    "error": "could not open desc file" //could not open a file describing the job parameters

    "error": "could not write lla" //could not write longitude, latitude and altitude values

    "error": "limit" // could not write construction job to database

# Copy Map


Copy map to another user. Public maps can be copied by leaving the token parameter empty. Map access tokens are not supported.

# Parameters

token* string From user. A valid developer token
login* string To user. A valid developer token
id* int Map id

# Responses

Returns userId and token

    "error": "none"

    "error": "auth 1"    // (from user) token parameter was an invalid developer token

    "error": "auth 2"    // (to user) login parameter was an invalid developer token

    "error": "query"    // database query failed OR no map was copied. Possibly due to no map found.

    "error": "map"    // no map was copied. Possible due to map not found.

# Check coverage


Check coverage for a stitch or alignment job. Returns any errors or map id and component info for stitch and align jobs as a JSON formatted string.
connected map ids for the components that could be stitched or aligned.
disconnected map ids for the components that could not be stitched or aligned. Likely due to not enough overlap.


# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

	"id":	123456,
	"connected":	[12, 34],
	"disconnected":	[56]

    "error": "query string len" // query string was over 1024 characters

    "error": "query string format" // invalid query string format

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no coverage file found

# Delete Map


Delete's the user's map from the cloud service.

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

    "error": "none"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

# Download Dense Point Cloud


Downloads the dense point cloud. Public dense point clouds can be downloaded without a developer token. Supports a map access token.


# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token

# Responses

Payload: mapId-mapName-dense.ply

    "error": "query string len" // query string was over 1024 characters

    "error": "query string format" // invalid query string format

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no dense found

# Download Immersal Unity SDK


Downloads the Immersal Unity SDK. Naming convention: ImmersalSDKv1_17_0.unitypackage ImmersalSDKv1_16_1.unitypackage


# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
name* string SDK version name like ImmersalSDKv1_17_0.unitypackage

# Responses

Payload: ImmersalSDKv1_17_0.unitypackage // The specified SDK version

    "error": "query string len" // query string was over 1024 characters

    "error": "query string format" // invalid query string format

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "eula" //this user has not accepted eula

    "error": "invalid filename" //invalid requested sdk file name

    "error": "file not found" //SDK with given name was not found

# Map ECEF (GPS)


Fetches the transform matrix from local map coordinates to global ECEF coordinates.

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

	"error":	"none",
					2884704.4529634975,    //px
					1341415.1204073559,    //py
					5509576.2819128353,    //pz
					0.48534169793128967,   //r00 //rotation matrix elements
					0.87242347002029419,   //r01
					0.05762564018368721,   //r02
					0.23218682408332825,   //r10
					-0.19214998185634613,  //r11
					0.9535028338432312,    //r12
					0.84293103218078613,   //r20
					-0.44939476251602173,  //r21
					-0.29582363367080688,  //r22
					9.4544391632080078     //scale
    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

# Stitch Maps


Stitch a list of maps together. Construct a new map as a result.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
name* New map name
mapIds* int[] Integer array of map ids (MAX COUNT 32)

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "id": 1234, // new map id
    "size": 22 // number of valid maps used in stitching

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or no results

    "error": "map count" //map array was empty or has some invalid maps or more than max amount (32) maps 

    "error": "name" // invalid map name

    "error": "could not create user dir" //error creating a directory for user

    "error": "could not create job dir" //error creating a directory for the constrction job

    "error": "could not open desc file" //could not open a file describing the job parameters

    "error": "could not open file" //error opening the file to write the stitch results

    "error": "could not copy ecef file" //error copying coordinate (ecef) files

    "error": "could not write lla" //error writing longitude, latitude and altitude values

# List Jobs (GPS)


Returns a list of jobs (i.e., maps that are either ready or in different phases of construction). The map list is filtered by the given GPS coordinates and range (in metres).
The token can be left as an empty string to return a list of public maps.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token, or empty
latitude* number WGS84 latitude
longitude* number WGS84 longitude
radius* number search radius in meters (Max value 200)

# Responses

Returns the job count and a list of all jobs

	"error":	"none",
	"count":	2,
	"jobs":	[{
			"id":	38002,
			"type":	0,
			"version":	"1.15.0",
			"creator":	34,
			"size":	31,
			"status":	"done",
			"errno":	0,
			"privacy":	0,
			"name":	"Map",
			"latitude":	60.21714952870969,
			"longitude":	24.869899032903231,
			"altitude":	33.21094783659904,
			"created":	"2021-12-02 07:06:50",
			"modified":	"2021-12-02 07:08:26",
			"sha256_al":	"92b642ec89c5bab5f6e02889d394037366c87ac1f5b782d93c916520d7fde817",
			"sha256_sparse":	"d00bc3a8df8bf94e5ec901517a300cb792b16e97fba2d729a15cea07a988de7a",
			"sha256_dense":	"fa5c0a76ce34a0f55eb36caf54d579c7c38f707639abeafdbbd01c4a54e207fd",
			"sha256_tex":	"75a7da8ebaacdc0f9c7620c77686992af1138b9df079e1818f78c773b8ce7f2d"
		}, {
			"id":	38001,
			"type":	0,
			"version":	"1.15.0",
			"creator":	34,
			"size":	32,
			"status":	"failed",
			"errno":	17,
			"privacy":	0,
			"name":	"Map",
			"latitude":	60.217130975312493,
			"longitude":	24.8698941478125,
			"altitude":	29.127938747406006,
			"created":	"2021-12-02 07:05:26",
			"modified":	"2021-12-02 07:05:38",
			"sha256_al":	"",
			"sha256_sparse":	"",
			"sha256_dense":	"",
			"sha256_tex":	""
	"error": "auth" // invalid token

	"error": "query" // error connecting to database

# Localize Image (GPS)


Uses the on-server localizer to localize a camera image against maps. The maps are filtered by the given WGS84 latitude, longitude, and radius (in metres). Localization is attempted against public maps and the user's private maps within these coordinates.

# Parameters

radius* number search radius in meters
latitude* number WGS84 latitude
longitude* number WGS84 longitude
b64* string Base64-encoded PNG image, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB
token* string A valid developer token
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point x
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point y
fy* number Camera intrinsics focal length y
fx* number Camera intrinsics focal length x

The response (when localization has been successful) is a projection matrix in the AR Cloud space. It can be used to extract the position and orientation of the device, which then again can be combined with the device's local SLAM tracking.

	"error":	"none",
	"success":	true,
	"map":	7587,
	"px":	-0.5459369421005249,
	"py":	0.0632220059633255,
	"pz":	0.36885133385658264,
	"r00":	0.68967300653457642,
	"r01":	0.14381979405879974,
	"r02":	-0.709695041179657,
	"r10":	0.0070222793146967888,
	"r11":	0.97870355844497681,
	"r12":	0.20515856146812439,
	"r20":	0.7240869402885437,
	"r21":	-0.14647600054740906,
	"r22":	0.67397546768188477,
	"time": 123123
    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

# Localize Image (GPS, Binary)


Similar to /geolocalize64 but faster. The image data is not b64-encoded but the payload is binary: json bytes + NUL terminator byte + image bytes.

Uses the on-server localizer to localize a camera image against maps. The maps are filtered by the given WGS84 latitude, longitude, and radius (in metres). Localization is attempted against public maps and the user's private maps within these coordinates.

Python example:
body = json_bytes + b"\0" + img_bytes
r = requests.post(complete_url, data=body)

# Parameters

radius* number search radius in meters
latitude* number WGS84 latitude
longitude* number WGS84 longitude
token* string A valid developer token
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point x
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point y
fy* number Camera intrinsics focal length y
fx* number Camera intrinsics focal length x

The response (when localization has been successful) is a projection matrix in the AR Cloud space. It can be used to extract the position and orientation of the device, which then again can be combined with the device's local SLAM tracking.

	"error":	"none",
	"success":	true,
	"map":	7587,
	"px":	-0.5459369421005249,
	"py":	0.0632220059633255,
	"pz":	0.36885133385658264,
	"r00":	0.68967300653457642,
	"r01":	0.14381979405879974,
	"r02":	-0.709695041179657,
	"r10":	0.0070222793146967888,
	"r11":	0.97870355844497681,
	"r12":	0.20515856146812439,
	"r20":	0.7240869402885437,
	"r21":	-0.14647600054740906,
	"r22":	0.67397546768188477,
	"time": 123123
    "error": "blob" //invalid binary payload

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

# Localize Image (Binary): Receive Longitude, Latitude, Altitude


Similar to /localize endpoint but returns lon, lat, alt. The payload data is binary: json bytes + NUL terminator byte + image bytes. Supports a map access token.

Uses the on-server localizer to localize a camera image against a list of maps. On successful localization returns longitude, latitude and altitude values.

Python example:
body = json_bytes + b"\0" + img_bytes
r = requests.post(complete_url, data=body)

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token
mapIds* array An array of {"id": int} objects (MAX COUNT: 8)
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point x
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point y
fy* number Camera intrinsics focal length y
fx* number Camera intrinsics focal length x

# Responses

The response (when localization has been successful) is a projection matrix in the AR Cloud space. It can be used to extract the position and orientation of the device, which then again can be combined with the device's local SLAM tracking.

	"error":	"none",
	"success":	true,
	"map":	67587,
	"longitude":	       	24.945831,
	"latitude":	        60.192059,
	"ellipsoidHeight":	30.465,
		0.68967300653457642, //w
		0.1438197940587997,  //x
		0.1438197940587997,  //y
		-0.709695041179657   //z

    "error": "blob" //invalid binary payload

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "map count" //map array was empty or has zero valid maps or more than max amount (8) maps 

    "error": "image" // image file was empty or could not be decoded

# Get Poses


Gets the poses recorded with each image Immersal was able to connect to the map. Not all images necessarily connect.

Can for example be used for debugging and visualizing well connected areas, mapping path, camera direction etc.

You can query poses from a private map, map you have a valid map access token for and public maps.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token
id* int Map id

# Responses

   "count":   23,
   "poses":   [{
	         "px":	0,
	         "py":	0,
	         "pz":	0,
	         "r00":	0.026798615232110023,
		 "r01":	0.99964088201522827,
		 "r02":	-1.33211895541561e-17,
		 "r10":	-0.99425530433654785,
		 "r11":	0.026654237881302834,
		 "r12":	-0.10366258770227432,
		 "r20":	-0.10362535715103149,
		 "r21":	0.0027780139353126287,
		 "r22":	0.99461251497268677
	     }, {
		 "px":	6.3549356460571289,
		 "py":	-0.056963842362165451,
		 "pz":	5.7433390617370605,
    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //map or poses not found. 1.16 maps might not have poses recorded

# List Jobs


Gets a list of jobs (i.e., maps that are either ready or in different phases of construction).

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

Returns the job count and a list of all jobs

	"error":	"none",
	"count":	2,
	"jobs":	[{
			"id":	38002,
			"type":	0,
			"version":	"1.15.0",
			"creator":	34,
			"size":	31,
			"status":	"done",
			"errno":	0,
			"privacy":	0,
			"name":	"Map",
			"latitude":	60.21714952870969,
			"longitude":	24.869899032903231,
			"altitude":	33.21094783659904,
			"created":	"2021-12-02 07:06:50",
			"modified":	"2021-12-02 07:08:26",
			"sha256_al":	"92b642ec89c5bab5f6e02889d394037366c87ac1f5b782d93c916520d7fde817",
			"sha256_sparse":	"d00bc3a8df8bf94e5ec901517a300cb792b16e97fba2d729a15cea07a988de7a",
			"sha256_dense":	"fa5c0a76ce34a0f55eb36caf54d579c7c38f707639abeafdbbd01c4a54e207fd",
			"sha256_tex":	"75a7da8ebaacdc0f9c7620c77686992af1138b9df079e1818f78c773b8ce7f2d"
		}, {
			"id":	38001,
			"type":	0,
			"version":	"1.15.0",
			"creator":	34,
			"size":	32,
			"status":	"failed",
			"errno":	17,
			"privacy":	0,
			"name":	"Map",
			"latitude":	60.217130975312493,
			"longitude":	24.8698941478125,
			"altitude":	29.127938747406006,
			"created":	"2021-12-02 07:05:26",
			"modified":	"2021-12-02 07:05:38",
			"sha256_al":	"",
			"sha256_sparse":	"",
			"sha256_dense":	"",
			"sha256_tex":	""

Invalid token

	"error": "auth" // invalid token

	"error": "query" // error connecting to database

# Load Map (May be deprecated)


Load a previously constructed map binary from the cloud service. May be deprecated. Please use /map endpoint instead.
Downloadable maps:

  • User's own private/public
  • Other users' public maps
  • Other users' private maps with map access token

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token

# Responses

The response is the binary map file (.bytes in the Developer Portal) Base64-encoded, and the file's SHA256 Hash

//the response is a binary map file

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no map found

# Localize Image


Uses the on-server localizer to localize a camera image against a list of maps. Supports a map access token.

# Parameters

mapIds* array An array of {"id": int} objects (MAX COUNT: 8)
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token
b64* string Base64-encoded PNG image, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point y
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point x
fy* number Camera intrinsics focal length y
fx* number Camera intrinsics focal length x

# Responses

The response (when localization has been successful) is a projection matrix in the AR Cloud space. It can be used to extract the position and orientation of the device, which then again can be combined with the device's local SLAM tracking.

	"error":	"none",
	"success":	true,
	"map":	7587,
	"px":	-0.5459369421005249,
	"py":	0.0632220059633255,
	"pz":	0.36885133385658264,
	"r00":	0.68967300653457642,
	"r01":	0.14381979405879974,
	"r02":	-0.709695041179657,
	"r10":	0.0070222793146967888,
	"r11":	0.97870355844497681,
	"r12":	0.20515856146812439,
	"r20":	0.7240869402885437,
	"r21":	-0.14647600054740906,
	"r22":	0.67397546768188477

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "map count" //map array was empty or has zero valid maps or more than max amount (8) maps 

    "error": "image" // image file was empty or could not be decoded

# Localize Image (Binary)


Uses the on-server localizer to localize a camera image against a list of maps. Supports a map access token.
Similar to /localizeb64 but faster. The payload is binary format: json bytes + NUL terminator byte + image bytes.
Python example:

body = json_bytes + b"\0" + img_bytes
r = requests.post(complete_url, data=body)

# Parameters

mapIds* array An array of {"id": int} objects (MAX COUNT: 8)
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token
oy* number Camera intrinsics principal point y
ox* number Camera intrinsics principal point x
fy* number Camera intrinsics focal length y
fx* number Camera intrinsics focal length x

# Responses

The response (when localization has been successful) is a projection matrix in the AR Cloud space. It can be used to extract the position and orientation of the device, which then again can be combined with the device's local SLAM tracking.

	"error":	"none",
	"success":	true,
	"map":	7587,
	"px":	-0.5459369421005249,
	"py":	0.0632220059633255,
	"pz":	0.36885133385658264,
	"r00":	0.68967300653457642,
	"r01":	0.14381979405879974,
	"r02":	-0.709695041179657,
	"r10":	0.0070222793146967888,
	"r11":	0.97870355844497681,
	"r12":	0.20515856146812439,
	"r20":	0.7240869402885437,
	"r21":	-0.14647600054740906,
	"r22":	0.67397546768188477

    "error": "blob" //invalid binary payload

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "map count" //map array was empty or has zero valid maps or more than max amount (8) maps 

    "error": "image" // image file was empty or could not be decoded

# Login


Gets the developer token required for the rest of the API requests.

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
login* string Username (email address)
password* string Password

# Responses

Returns the userId and token

    "error": "none",
    "userId": 123,
    "token": "abc123",

    "error": "auth"    // invalid credentials

    "error": "login"    // invalid username

    "error": "password"    // invalid password

    "error": "db query"    //error connecting to database

# Load Map


Load a previously constructed map binary from the cloud service.
Downloadable maps:

  • User's own private/public
  • Other users' public maps
  • Other users' private maps with map access token


# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token

# Responses

The response is the binary map file

Payload: mapId-mapName.bytes //binary map file

    "error": "query string len" // query string was over 1024 characters

    "error": "query string format" // invalid query string format

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no map found

# Load Map


Load a previously constructed map in b64 encoded format from the cloud service. Downloadable maps:

  • User's own private/public
  • Other users' public maps

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

The response is the binary map file (.byte in the Developer Portal) Base64-encoded, and the file's SHA256 hash.

	"error":	"none",
	"b64":		"azdfazdf",
	"sha256_al":    "hash"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no map found

# Reset Map Coordinates


Reset map ECEF coordinates (position, rotation and scale), latitude and longitude values to its original. Only user's private maps can be reset. This can be useful if map has been aligned with another or user has manually changed the coordinates.

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

	"error":	"none"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database or unsuccesful update

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "could not read ecef file" //no ecef file found

    "error": "could not read lla file" //no latitude, longitude, altitude file found

# Get Map Metadata


Loads the metadata of a map.
Metadata is available from:

  • User's own private/public
  • Other users' public maps
  • Maps accessed with map access token

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token

# Responses

	"error":	"none",
	"id": 		65123,
	"type": 	0, // 0=map construction, 1=stitching, 2=alignment
	"created": 	2022-10-24 14:43:17,
	"version":	1.17.0, //sdk version used
	"user": 	1234, //user of the map
	"creator": 	1235, //original creator of the map
	"name":		"MyMap", //name of the map
	"size":		34, //image count used for the map
	"status":	"done", //processing status "pending", "processing", "sparse", "failed", "done"
	"errno":	0,
	"privacy":	0, //public or private map? private (default) = 0, public = 1
	"latitude":	60.123, //latitude
	"longitude":	23.123 //longitude
	"altitude":	34.123 //altitude
	"tx":		0, //ecef X in meters
	"ty":		6378100.0,  //ecef Y in meters
	"tz":		0,  //ecef Z in meters
	"qw":		0.1,
	"qx":		0.1234,
	"qy":		0.1234,
	"qz":		0.1234,
	"scale":	1, //scale of the map
	"sha256_al": 	"hash",
	"sha256_sparse": "hash",
	"sha256_dense":	"hash",
	"sha256_tex":	"hash"
    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

# Set Map Metadata


Overwrites the metadata of a map. You can only overwrite your own private maps.

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token
name* Name of the map
privacy int Privacy value. 0 = private, 1 = public
latitude double Latitude value
longitude double Longitude value
altitude double Altitude value
tx double X value of the origin.
ty double Y value of the origin.
tz double Z value of the origin.
qw double W component of the rotation quaternion.
qx double X component of the rotation quaternion.
qy double Y component of the rotation quaternion.
qz double Z component of the rotation quaternion.
scale double Scale of the map. 1 is normal.

# Responses

	"error":	"none"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "name" //name is not alphanumeric or contains spaces

    "error": "privacy" //privacy value was something else than 0 or 1

    "error": "no inputs" // no values found in the payload 

# Set Map Privacy


Change privacy status of a map. Private maps are in owner control only. Public maps can be for example listed, copied, downloaded by everyone. Possible privacy values are integers: 0 = private and 1 = public.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token
id* int Map id
name* int Map privacy value. 0 = private, 1 = public.

# Responses

    "error": "none"

    "error": "auth"    // invalid token

    "error": "privacy"    // invalid privacy value

    "error": "query"    // database query failed or map was not found

# Register New User


Registers a new user. Login, password and name must be at least four characters long and less than 255 characters long.

# Parameters

login* string Username (email address)
name* string Name of the user
password* Password

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "userId": 123,
    "token": "abc123",

    "error": "name"    // invalid name

    "error": "login"    // invalid username

    "error": "password"    // invalid password

    "error": "query"    //error connecting to database

    "error": "duplicate"    //duplicate entry found

# Restore Images


Restores the images from a previously constructed map into the user's workspace, e.g., for adding additional images.

TIP: Restore multiple map's images without clearing workspace. This is useful for capturing multiple lighting conditions as separate maps and later combine them to a "super map".

# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token
clear* bool clear workspace before restoring. Default True

# Responses

    "error": "none"

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "work" //error retrieving map from database

    "error": "job" //no maps found

    "error": "image delete" //error connecting to database and clearing workspace

    "error": "query" //error retrieving images from map

    "error": "image count" //error inserting images to workspace

    "error": "job type" //map id is not a valid map. Alignment jobs or stitched maps cannot be restored.

# Set Map Access Token


Map access token is a way to allow sharing of a private map. Only owner of a map can set map access token. Map access token holder can for example access map metadata, download poses and download the map. This is a good way to build an app and share your maps to a smaller group without making it public for everyone.
Map access token can be set, renewed or cleared. By default, a map does not have an access token. A new access token is unique and previous access tokens cannot be retrieved.

Endpoints that support map access token are:
/loadmap (may be deprecated)
/map (NOTE /mapb64 is not supported!)

# Parameters

id* array Mad Id
token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

    "error": "none",
    "mapId": 12345, //id of the map affected
    "accessToken": "mynewmapaccesstoken12345" //new map access token. string variable

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "No map found." //could not find a map with mapId parameter

# Download Sparse Point Cloud


Downloads the sparse point cloud. Public sparse point clouds can be downloaded without a developer token. Supports a map access token.


# Parameters

id* integer Map Id
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token

# Responses

Payload: mapId-mapName-sparse.ply

    "error": "query string len" // query string was over 1024 characters

    "error": "query string format" // invalid query string format

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no sparse found

# Account Status


Gets the account's status.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token

# Responses

Returns userId, imageCount, imageMax, eulaAccepted

	"error": "none",
	"userId": 123,
	"imageCount": 15,	// images currently in the user's workspace
	"imageMax": 300,	// workpace image capacity (images per map limit)
	"eulaAccepted": true	// EULA acceptance required to download Immersal SDK Core

	"error": "auth" //invalid developer token

	"error": "query" // error connecting to database

# Download Textured Mesh


Downloads the textured mesh of the map. Public textured meshes can be downloaded without a developer token. Supports a map access token.


# Parameters

id* integer Map id
token* string A valid developer token OR a map access token

# Responses

Payload: mapId-mapName-tex.ply

    "error": "query string len" // query string was over 1024 characters

    "error": "query string format" // invalid query string format

    "error": "auth" //invalid developer token

    "error": "query" //error connecting to database

    "error": "not found" //no results found

    "error": "file not found" //no sparse found

# Change Developer Token


Generates and sets a new developer token. This could be useful if your developer token has been accidentally exposed.
The new token is returned in the response if operation was successful. Current developer token can always be found the Immersal developer portal. For the changes to take effect it might require a login logout.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token.

# Responses

Returns userId, imageCount, imageMax, eulaAccepted

	"error": "none",
	"token": 1234_MY_NEW_DEV_TOKEN //new developer token for the account

	"error": "token" //invalid current developer token

	"error": "auth" // no users found with current developer token

	"error": "token gen" // error generating new token

	"error": "query" // error connecting to database

# Uploads Chunked Files


Allows uploading chunked files. Can handle network breaks during upload. Can be used with capture and b2g endpoints.
The first chunk upload returns a json with a hash code that should be used on subsequent chunks to identify the file on server. This same hash can be used with for example b2g endpoint to identify the uploaded file after the upload is complete.
The offset parameter should be left empty or zero on first chunk. The client is responsible for sending the offset amount on subsequent chunks. This can be done with chunkId*chunkSize = offset where first chunk id is zero.

# Parameters

token* string A valid developer token.
hash* string A hash code used to identify the file on server. First chunk is left empty and server responds with the correct hash to be used on following chunks.
offset* double Offset in number of bytes from the start of the file for the current chunk. Client is responsible for keeping track of offset. First chunk should be left empty or zero.

# Responses

	"error": "none",
	"hash": XYZ123 //six character alpha numeric hash code

	"error": "token" //invalid developer token

	"error": "auth" // no users found with developer token

	"error": "blob" // invalid binary payload

	"error": "hash" // invalid hash code

	"error": "file" // could not open or find file

	"error": "db conn" // error connecting to database

# Get Version


Returns the version of Immersal Cloud Service running on the server.

# Parameters

No Parameters

	"error": "none",
	"version": "1.18.0" //current version of Immersal Cloud Service running on the server

# C# Sample Code

The code below is an example of using the REST API to log in a user and retrieving their token. Except for the SDKLoginRequest class, all other Request classes inherit the requisite token from SDKRequestBase. See the Immersal.Samples.Mapping.MapperJobs and Immersal.Samples.Mapping.Mapper classes and Samples/Scenes/MappingApp for more examples.

SDKLoginRequest loginRequest = new SDKLoginRequest();
loginRequest.login = "your@email.address";
loginRequest.password = "password";

string jsonString = JsonUtility.ToJson(loginRequest);
using (UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Put(string.Format(Endpoint.URL_FORMAT, m_Sdk.localizationServer, Endpoint.LOGIN), jsonString))
  request.method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST;
  request.useHttpContinue = false;
  request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
  request.SetRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
  yield return request.SendWebRequest();

  SDKLoginResult loginResult = JsonUtility.FromJson<SDKLoginResult>(request.downloadHandler.text);
  if (loginResult.error == "none")

# Entities

# Construct Job

Represents a server job that is calculating the map

public class SDKJob
    public int id;
    public int size;
    public int bank;
    public string work;
    public string status;   // "done" | "sparse" | "processing" | "failed" | "pending"
    public string server;
    public string name;
    public double latitude;
    public double longitude;
    public double altitude;
    public string created;
    public string modified;

# Map Id

Encapsulates a map's ID, might be extended in the future. Currently only used in SDKLocalizeRequest. In JavaScript and other platforms, this could be represented as a typical JSON object, e.g. {"id": 6779}.

public class SDKMapId
    public int id;

# Requests and Responses

# Login

Log in request / response

public class SDKLoginRequest
    public string login;
    public string password;

public class SDKLoginResult
    public string error;  // "none" | "auth"
    public string token;  // developer token
    public int banks;     // number of image banks, limited to 1 currently

# Clear the Image Bank

Clear request / response

public class SDKClearRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int bank;        // id of image bank to clear
    public bool anchor;     // if true, clears also anchor points (i.e. empty cloud)

public class SDKClearResult
    public string error;

# Construct a Map

Construct request / response

public class SDKConstructRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int bank;        // id of image bank
    public string name;     // name for the map

public class SDKConstructResult
    public int id;          // id of the construction job / map
    public int size;        // number of images used to create the map
    public string error;

# Status

Status request / response

public class SDKStatusRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int bank;

public class SDKStatusResult
    public int imageCount;
    public int bankMax;
    public int imageMax;
    public bool eulaAccepted;
    public string error;

# List of All Jobs

Jobs request / response

public class SDKJobsRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int bank;

public class SDKJobsResult
    public int count;
    public SDKJob[] jobs;
    public string error;

# List of All Jobs (GPS)

The same as SDKJobsRequest, but only fetches the maps within the user's GPS location and range. If token is not given, all public maps will be fetched.

public class SDKGeoJobsRequest : SDKJobsRequest
    public double latitude;
    public double longitude;
    public double radius;

# Save Captured Image to the Map

Image request / response

public class SDKImageRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int bank;
    public int run;
    public int index;
    public bool anchor;
    public double px;    // camera x position
    public double py;    // camera y position
    public double pz;    // camera z position
    public double r00;   // rotation matrix row 0, col 0
    public double r01;   // rotation matrix row 0, col 1
    public double r02;   // rotation matrix row 0, col 2
    public double r10;   // rotation matrix row 1, col 0
    public double r11;   // rotation matrix row 1, col 1
    public double r12;   // rotation matrix row 1, col 2
    public double r20;   // rotation matrix row 2, col 0
    public double r21;   // rotation matrix row 2, col 1
    public double r22;   // rotation matrix row 2, col 2
    public double fx;    // camera intrinsics focal length x
    public double fy;    // camera intrinsics focal length y
    public double ox;    // camera intrinsics principal point x
    public double oy;    // camera intrinsics principal point y
    public double latitude;  // WGS84 latitude
    public double longitude; // WGS84 longitude
    public double altitude;  // GPS elevation
    public string b64;   // Base64-encoded PNG image, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB

public class SDKImageResult
    public string path;

# Localize Image

Localize request / response

The result (when localization has been successful) is a projection matrix in the AR Cloud space. It can be used to extract the position and rotation of the AR device, which then again can be combined with the device's local SLAM tracking.

public class SDKLocalizeRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public double fx;    // camera intrinsics focal length x
    public double fy;    // camera intrinsics focal length y
    public double ox;    // camera intrinsics principal point x
    public double oy;    // camera intrinsics principal point y
    public string b64;   // Base64-encoded PNG image, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB
    public SDKMapId[] mapIds;  // list of maps to localize against

public class SDKLocalizeResult : SDKResultBase
    public bool success;
    public int map;     // ID of the map if localization was successful
    public float px;    // x position within the map
    public float py;    // y position within the map
    public float pz;    // z position within the map
    public float r00;   // rotation matrix row 0, col 0
    public float r01;   // rotation matrix row 0, col 1
    public float r02;   // rotation matrix row 0, col 2
    public float r10;   // rotation matrix row 1, col 0
    public float r11;   // rotation matrix row 1, col 1
    public float r12;   // rotation matrix row 1, col 2
    public float r20;   // rotation matrix row 2, col 0
    public float r21;   // rotation matrix row 2, col 1
    public float r22;   // rotation matrix row 2, col 2

# Localize Image (GPS)

Geo-localize request. The response is the same as with SDKLocalizeRequest. This request localizes against maps within a given radius near the device's GPS coordinates. The mapIds array can be left empty in this case.

public class SDKGeoLocalizeRequest : SDKLocalizeRequest
    public double latitude;
    public double longitude;
    public double radius;

# Map coordinates in ECEF system (GPS)

ECEF request / response

public class SDKEcefRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int id;    // map ID

public class SDKEcefResult : SDKResultBase
    public double[] ecef;    // ECEF coordinates

# Delete Map

Delete map request / response

public class SDKDeleteMapRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int id;    // map ID

public class SDKDeleteMapResult : SDKResultBase


# Restore Images

Restore map images request / response After restoring the map's images, it is possible to add more images to the map and recalculate it.

    public class SDKRestoreMapImagesRequest : SDKRequestBase
        public int id;    // map ID

    public class SDKRestoreMapImagesResult : SDKResultBase


# Load Constructed Map

Map request / response

public class SDKMapRequest : SDKRequestBase
    public int id;    // map ID

public class SDKMapResult
    public string md5_al;    // MD5 hash for the loaded map
    public string b64;    // Base64 encoded .bytes map file

# Errors

The REST API uses the following error codes (TBD):

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.