# Immersal Mapper 2.0

Pre-built app for mapping real-world locations.

# Download the App

Immersal Mapper is available in Apple's and Google's app stores.
The app requires an Immersal Cloud Service account. You can register one for free in the Developer Portal

Immersal Mapper - IOS

Immersal Mapper - Google Play Store

# User Interface

# Choose Server

You can choose between three servers

  • International Server
  • China Server
  • Custom Server

# Login

The app requires an Immersal Cloud Service account. You can register one for free in the Developer Portal and use the same credential in the Immersal Mapper app.

# Workspace Mode

# Default View

When you log innto the app you can see all maps tab where all of your captured maps are available. It has 3 tabs you can choose from.

  • All Maps Shows local device and uploaded maps.

    1. All Maps
    1. All Maps

  • In Cloud shows uploded maps. These are the maps that you can see in yours development portal.

    2. In Cloud
    2. In Cloud

  • On Device shows all the local maps in your device.

    3. On Device
    3. On Device

On top right are your profile details and user level. On top left you have a refresh button to update the view.

At the bottom you can see a yellow capture button. Click this to create a new map

# Create New Map

The app has two capture modes,

  1. Manual Mode
  2. Realtime Mode

Manual Mode
Manual Mode
Realtime Mode
Realtime Mode

# Manual Mode

It is manual mode where you capture each image manually while walking around your target.

  • Once you have captured the required map you can save images on device.
  • Then upload images to the server for map construction.
  • When the processing is done and map is ready to localize you can download the map and test it in AR mode.

Workflow for mapping in manual mode with Immersal Mapper

# Realtime Mode

In Realtime mode you press the record button and move around the target area. It will start capturing automatically.

  • Once your required map is captured click "Tick" button on the right to save the map
  • if you want to re-capture the map you can press "cross" button on the left and start over

Realtime Mode
Realtime Mode

# Saving a map

When you are done mapping you can view the point cloud of your captured map.To save the map it will ask you to give it a name.

press "Save" button and it will save the map on your device. You can find this map "ALL Maps" and "On Device" map list.

Saving the Map
Saving the Map

# Visualize Mode

Go to the "All Maps" or "On Device" tab and tap on the map to visualise the map

1. All Maps
1. All Maps

Now you can view the point cloud and at the bottom you have 3 options you can test the map by clicking on the "AR" button on the middle. if you get successful localisations you can upload the map by clicking "upload" button. ot you can delete the map by clicking "delete" button on the left.

Saved Map visualisation
Saved Map visualisation

# Localization

In localisation mode you can authenticate the map before creatiing the experience.

  • Press "Localize" button to localize to the map.
  • On the to right you can see successful localisations.


A complete workflow for Realtime Mode